Os esperamos en Cambre el 21 y 22 de septiembre
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Localiza aquí los lugares más importantes de la feria
Science fairs are a space where young and adult researchers show their experiences to the public. They leave their schools, universities, museums or research centers to show their work in common places such as squares, parks or shopping malls. The Open Science of Cambre has chosen a privileged space in our town, the park of the Church of Santa María de Cambre, built at the end of the 12th century and considered one of the best examples of Compostela Romanesque in rural Galicia.

La filosofía de las ferias de núcleos rurales es similar a cualquier feria de ciencia. Ambas tienen un denominador común: el público puede “probar” la mercancía antes de decidir llevársela. Los visitantes, padres, profesores o alumnos podrán observar and experience first-hand the experiences of young and adult researchers. In our fair it is forbidden DON'T TOUCH..
The fairs are a meeting place between young people from different places who show their projects to the visiting public. The protagonists, the young people, improve their communication and interactivity skills in different languages, their social and entrepreneurial skills and, of course, their scientific and technological skills. The Cambre Open Science is a fair organized by and for young people.
An Open fair is one in which it is forbidden not to copy. Educational resources are free, software, hardware and of course, we share science, citizen science has a great role in our fair.

Visiting other cities is often a unique experience for students working on their science projects throughout the year. The Open Science of Cambre has shown the customs and way of life of our environment, for this reason, we have created a group of welcoming families to receive in their homes students who come from nearby places such as Vigo, Ourense or Santiago, distant places such as Andalusia, Catalonia, Madrid or the Basque Country or places much further away such as Lithuania, Holland, the Czech Republic or Italy. One of the premises of an open science fair is to normalize the presence of all kinds of disadvantaged groups. We offer references, people who improve their social role through science and technology.

Objectives of the fair:

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